Facial Fat Transfer
Consultations offered at our two convenient locations in Alhambra and Santa Ana

You know that stuff you’ve been trying to get rid of for years? Well, turns out that your fat is the perfect filler for furrows and wrinkles.
With fat transfer – also called fat grafting – Dr. Vu take excess fat from places on your body like your thighs and abdomen where it’s not wanted, then prepared using a special technique, and then transferred to areas of the face that need volume.
When your own fat is used to fill in lines, creases, depressions, and other underdeveloped areas on your face and body, there is no allergic reaction to it like with some other injectables because it comes from your own body.
Fat transfer can be used to
- Fill in laugh and “marionette” lines
- Fill in dimples and other depressions or hollowed out areas
- Lift sagging cheeks
- Strengthen a weak chin
Depending upon the patient and the area grafted, fat transfers can last anywhere from several months to several years.
Before and After Photos
Call us at 1-800-983-4983 to schedule an appointment to discuss your concerns with our knowledgeable staff.